A Week at Shreks Roblox Game

A Week at Shreks

Welcome to your new Job at the Swamp! NOTE: If you start out with a black screen move around your POV then you will find the menu.

Welcome to your new Job at the Swamp! NOTE: If you start out with a black screen move around your POV then you will find the menu.

Welcome to your new Job at the Swamp!, Here you will stay in your little Office while completing Tasks given to you by the Owners of the Farm, What could go wrong.

Oh! and before i forget i want to give you advice, There is a Ogre who resides here, just dont disturb him and you will be fine! Piece of Cake really!


STORY MODE: collect Onions in your new job with Notes on the Office Wall to explain story and hints...

ONION COLLECTER MODE: collect 7 Onions in a different Map while Shrek gets faster with every Onion you collect...

NOTE: If you start out with a black screen move around your POV then you will find the menu.

A Week at Shreks Statistics

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