The School has been known for its exceptional education and the exceptional Students, but to this day still holds a secret. Grianmhar Paradise is a multiplayer role-play experience on Roblox involving a Boarding School deep into the west of Ireland, locked away from the world.
🏫 The first adaption to come to Grianmhar Paradise, the second adaption shall be issued shortly into release, embark into your journey as a Student for now.
Grianmhar Paradise is a multiplayer role-play experience on Roblox involving a Boarding School deep into the west of Ireland, locked away from the world. The School has been known for its exceptional education and the exceptional Students, but to this day still holds a secret. 🔍
To become a Staff member, you can wait for the monthly applications on our Communications server within the social links of the group or purchase our game pass below: Teaching Degree! 📋