Penthouse️ Social VC Roblox Game

Penthouse️ Social VC

Wait, this place seems relatively familiar, I cant recall from where. ⭐ First Impressions Matter! Traverse through an extensive penthouse while also encountering other users either through Voice Chat or Text!

Wait, this place seems relatively familiar, I cant recall from where. ⭐ First Impressions Matter! Traverse through an extensive penthouse while also encountering other users either through Voice Chat or Text!

Wait, this place seems relatively familiar, I can’t recall from where. Traverse through an extensive penthouse while also encountering other users either through Voice Chat or Text!🎙️

This experience is also intended to be more socially oriented, if your device permits, I recommend you situate your graphics at 5 or above. Heh.

⭐ First Impressions Matter!

🖥️ The current version of Penthouse is considered to be within its base state, further updates are anticipated.

Penthouse️ Social VC Statistics

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