Ray's Mod Roblox Game

Ray's Mod

Rated 4.4 by 261,214 players

Play Ray's Mod - Explore the world of Roblox with 10 new addons, 27 new community maps, 12 new vehicles, and 3 new building blocks. Experience the ultimate customization and exploration experience of Ray's Mod.

v4. ), spawn enemies, play gamemodes, play with friends and just do whatever you want! You can make a base out of props, drive (vr included!

Are you ready to explore the world of Ray's Mod? This game is the ultimate customization and exploration experience, allowing you to add 10 new addons, 27 new community maps, 12 new vehicles, and 3 new building blocks. The game also features official maps that have been moved to the community maps, so you can explore new and exciting places. With the added vehicles and building blocks, you can customize your experience and create unique and amazing structures. So what are you waiting for? Join the world of Ray's Mod and experience the ultimate customization and exploration experience!

Ray's Mod Statistics


-Added 11 new addons! [1 paid, 2 obtainable, 8 rewarded to event completionists]

-Added 4 new community maps

-Added 2 new radio skins

-Small tweaks and fixes


LEFT CLICK- grab object

RIGHT CLICK /G - freeze object

C/Scroll up - move object further

X- move object closer

E- straighten object

R- rotate object

Ray's Mod is a remake of Garry's mod (aka Gmod). You can make a base out of props, drive (vr included!), spawn enemies, play gamemodes, play with friends and just do whatever you want! Including VR support! (working on making VR better)

Check out my old version: https://www.roblox.com/games/160207495/Garrys-Mod


Vehicles by SecondLogic

Gamepass & Badge icons by HappyDeppy

Plane by Crazyman32

VR System by Nexus

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