Superhero Simulator Roblox Game

Superhero Simulator

Rated 4.1 by 184,246 players

Criminals and Villains have escaped onto the streets of Roblox City! Fight as your favorite super heroes in Superhero Simulator! 2X BOSS ABILITIES!

Criminals and Villains have escaped onto the streets of Roblox City! Fight as your favorite super heroes in Superhero Simulator! 2X BOSS ABILITIES!

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Criminals and Villains have escaped onto the streets of Roblox City! Fight as your favorite super heroes in Superhero Simulator!

🚨 NEW UPDATE 12! 🚨




5x Suits!

10x Abilities!

3x New Zones

5x New Backpacks!

(Shutdown = Updating! Rejoin in a few seconds)


Created by SubZeroExtabyte

Superhero Simulator Statistics

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