Note that this game isnt set in a particular front its basically set in all of them eastern front western front etc its only set in a specific front during events.
Please ignore the ratings there is a loser botting the dislike button
shutdown = update (usually)
a game about shooting guns from the ww1 era
Note that this game isnt set in a particular front its basically set in all of them eastern front western front etc its only set in a specific front during events.
the donation hub is the old game so heres the link:!/game-instances
the nations in the game as of 2023-06-17: United kingdom, France, United states, Russian empire, Belgium, Canada, Romanian kingdom, Portugal, Japanese empire, German empire, Austro Hungaria, ukraine, finland, italy, serbia, poland, bulgaria, the anzacs, thailand, the ottoman empire,
In the bottom left corner there is a tab to select teams now as of 2023-04-16
Tags: Great war, WW1, WWI, World war 1, gun test,